
Complete Guide to Becoming a Medicare Insurance Agent

You not only shouldn’t say a client needs a plan because it’s too presumptuous and not something Medicare would approve of, but it’s also just bad marketing. Educating is the key to successful selling, not using “salesy” language. For someone who works in sales, “best” might be hard to avoid saying, but it’s important to take superlatives, especially comparative ones like “best,” out of your vernacular. Most insurance carriers require their certifications to be passed annually prior to the upcoming Medicare annual election period . Ask your immediate upline to to learn how to get certified to sell Medicare advantage plans, they will give you detailed instructions for each carrier. Now that you are licensed to sell health insurance, you must take and pass with 90% or better an annual Medicare training and certification through America’s Health Insurance Plans . It’s FREE. It’s ANONYMOUS. You DO NOT ENTER any personal information to access the information. Medicare is highly regulated

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